König & Ronneberger GmbH & Co. KG
Wuppertal - Germany

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Our sister company König & Ronneberger (Köro) is located in Wuppertal.

pand koero


  • D-A-CH distribution

    Köro supplies plumbing wholesalers with products from stock in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

  • Production of smooth seals and die-cutting parts

    We use modern die-cutting machines to produce smooth seals from dozens of different sheet materials. The flexibility in our machinery enables us to die-cut single pieces or hundreds of thousands of products.

    Visit www.debeer-innovations.com for more information about our options.

  • Seals custom cut with CAD

    For special seals, even for 1 seal, we have a cutting machine on which we can cut any shape without any mould costs.
    With our special platform www.123dichtingen.nl, we offer the option to draw and order seals online, which we can deliver within 24 hours.

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